
My dog only listens to my wife. One verbal cue is associated with one behavior.

They’re Bored. Shutterstock. This community is geared towards modern, force-free, science based methods and recommendations. However, this doesn’t mean that your dog doesn’t like you. If not, schedule a time that would work for both of you What To Do If Your Dog Only Listens When You Yell. Sometimes it happens that we are not aware of things that have happened to them in our absence. Also, instead of you feeding him everyday, let her do it for a while, or you guys can alternate days. 1. DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. 8k) $17. Jun 15, 2021 · GSD owners really need to get on the same page when acquiring a dog and you really need to now. Apr 12, 2024 · Psychologist Dr. Sometimes those songs may be appealing not because the lyrics describe our own lives or how we’re feeling, but perhaps because there’s something appealing about the sounds that comprise the songs, or the general feelings they temporarily evoke in us as a Mar 15, 2023 · Some potential drawbacks of relying solely on treats include: Dependency: Dogs can become overly dependent on treats, only performing desired behaviors when they are rewarded with food. Oct 21, 2019 · They teach a sit by pulling the treat up and back; they teach a down by curving the treat down and forward. Sounds like you aren't disciplining the dog as much. Try incorporating hand signals when you give a command. Sep 7, 2023 · Tongue-flicking. Like humans, dogs can display nervous ticks that come out when they're Jan 29, 2023 · There are many different reasons as to why your dog is biting you, but leaves your husband or wife alone. Dog training links, discussions and questions are encouraged and content related to other species is welcome too. Especially if your dog tends to be a bit nervous around new people, talk to your partner about letting your dog take the initiative to interact physically. You can try transferring instructional control by "backing up" your wife's commands. 4. Making him sit, stay and lay down before giving it to him. 6. Look up “It’s yer choice” on DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. I don't know why. In a case like this, the dog in question has been able to discriminate which parent to go to for what! Dogs, just like small children, don’t have the mental capacity to distinguish between Oct 12, 2017 · The only exception was Henry (my avatar pic) he was my wife's heart dog and he gravitated to her for some reason. Sep 13, 2020 · Tip #1 – Buy Colored Tennis Balls. newbury- PSA PDC. You just have to start working more with your dog and create opportunities to My mom’s dog ignores her commands, but he listens to my girlfriend’s even though she rarely sees him. Your wife neglects her household responsibilities. If he demands attention from you, i. In this case, it would help to try being the one to give it food and exercise Poor socialization skills make dogs fearful and shy. Dogs may like partners more because they slip them more treats or let them onto that forbidden piece of furniture. 8 Powerful Tips on Listening To Your Wife. I'm going through the same thing with my dog, she'll be two in 3 months and she ignores almost everything I say when I'm taking her out for a walk or to go to the bathroom. Might be worth reading. When I take him for a walk he walks nicely and stays by my side. Sep 16, 2022 · Fear. Mom cues “sit!” -> dogs sits, and gets nothing. Body language of your wife. Go Back To Basics. But unfortunately, it has a major impact on the dog’s mindset. Not only was he not listening, he growled and barked at her again. Noise, banging around, children playing, different smells and other dogs are counterproductive to success. Common communication pitfalls in marriages can contribute to this issue. Aug 10, 2015 · The only job of the listener is to repeat what he or she heard. Going along with my last point, no matter which style of discipline you choose, make sure to be consistent. My parents keep telling me the only reason my dog listens because I use a shock collar or a collar but I haven't used one on her in about 2 months now not because she wasn't responding well or because it hurt her just because she outgrew the collar portion and I still haven't got a new strap for her but she listens just fine without it my parents think I'm using it on her because her collar is Mar 16, 2023 · 13 Reasons Your Dog Isn’t Listening to You. That is a sort of focus that cannot be maintained, say, if you want your dog to remember at all times that bad behaviour will get him a swat. steve. They’re embarrassed by their dog’s behavior in front of company, especially if they’ve told those friends how lovely their dog has been doing in doggie obedience school. Exercising your dog is an excellent way to burn this energy, thereby making it feel fatigued and have an easier time sleeping. Emotional jealousy. “A ten to 15-meter line, where if your dog does decide to blow off your recall, you’re able to prevent that from happening. ” Mar 2, 2023 · Below are likely reasons why your dog listens to your husband and not you and what would make them more likely. Like twos, a dog's body language says a lot about what they're feeling. Your pup understands the scenario, meaning that if he listens, he will get that treat you showed him. hammy-hams. down. 99 (10% off) FREE shipping. "h*ll on wheels". bsdboy. Additionally, I've noticed that if he does go outside with my mom (and without me), he'll play with her instead. First, you should go back to the basic commands every dog understands. My dog listens to me mostly because I'm the one that feeds him, comforts him, exercises him, and trains him. We often try to soothe excited dogs with petting or treats, it always has the opposite effect. i just tell my wife to leave him in his kennel or crate while im gone and when you let him out only let him out to do his business. Joel Gavriele-Gold weighs in on why some dogs prefer one partner over another, and how couples can cope with these affection discrepancies. Resource guarding occurs when your dog begins to growl or snap at someone Apr 26, 2023 · My Dog Only Listens to My Wife If you’re the one who feeds, walks, and plays with your dog the most, then it’s likely that your dog sees you as the leader of the pack. ”. Tip 4: Praise, Praise, and More Praise Of course, this may sound excessive at first. One of the most effective ways of dealing with your dog’s aggressive nature is taking it out for exercise. You will have to do this every time they do something you don’t like so they can make the connection between the action and discipline. There are scads of reasons your dog isn’t listening to you, but we’ve compiled some of the most common to give you a good place to start. I also, have my husband be the one to take care of him when he comes home. The dog is going to love these types of tennis balls and it will also be easier to find once the session is done! Oct 19, 2022 · If a dog seems nervous around you, that's not a great sign either. Rewards are good and affection is important, but you also have to discipline too or your dog won't listen. If treats are visible beforehand, he gets a reward 100% of the time. You come home from work, look around at the chaos in the house, and say to yourself, “My wife doesn’t respect me. Between my boyfriend and I, I'm the disciplinarian and I'm the one the dog listens to. This will likely save her life, get her out of danger and strengthen your bond! FURTHERMORE (a lot of info I know haha), dogs do not work for free!! Rewarding their behavior is how you reinforce their behaviour! So treats, praise, play are all reinforcers to do that sit, or wait, or recall again the next time. He listens to basic commands when training, but doesn't seem to respect my Mar 13, 2018 · Jillian Vogel, owner of Gulf Coast K9, apprenticed at K9 Connection in Buffalo, NY before opening Gulf Coast K9 in South Florida. Make it more rewarding to go to her than to you for a while. I've trained my dog many things, from sit, down, to spin, come and wait. Mar 10, 2023 · Your dog listens to your husband more because he is the one that did all the training, is constantly working with the dog, taking the time to feed him and take him on a walk, and is showing more affection. Getting a dog trained so that it responds just as happily to everyone in the family can be another matter, as Ben Randall discusses in this week's Paws for Thought. Mens I Don't Always Listen To My Wife Funny T-shirt Funny Gifts For Men T shirt Humor Birthday Gift For Husband gift from wife. Each training program can be tailored to meet the goals and expectations owners may have for their dog. Mar 25, 2019 · Scenario 1: Mom (or dad) has treats in her hand. So if the dog is too excited, tell your wife to ignore the dog Apr 5, 2024 · 4. Reinforced Behavior: Unconscious Rewards. ghenne04. Mash up your dog's food in them and freeze. First, here is a list of all 8 reasons. ) The good news is that after this seminar you'll actually be able to make some changes in behavior once you begin to co May 31, 2024 · 1. When i first met our dog, i could swear we were instantly bonded. If a dog keeps yawning, they may be nervous. Eliminate the distractions. To help you solve the problem, you should do a few things. With both of you standing together have your wife give a command, if he doesn't listen then both of you give the command if he still doesn't listen then you give the command. When I come around he gets burst of energy,jumps on everyone and everything,play bites everyone. He won't come over to my mom and won't go outside unless I go with him. (6. :) For some reason my 5 month old listens fairly well to my husband, but not to me. Talk with your partner about your dog's social cues. Over-attachment is dysfunctional when the dog gets anxious and exhibits signs of stress when a particular owner is away. Key Takeaways: Feeling unheard in a marriage can lead to frustration and isolation. We provide both private training There are multiple reasons that a dog may exhibit aggression toward family members. The behavior of resource guarding. Listen to how she tells the dog what to do. Apr 2, 2023 · Training a dog is one thing. It’s normal for a dog to sometimes have a favored person, but a well trained adult dog (not a puppy) should reliably listen to all members of the household if they’re giving consistent commands. Females often take care of dogs at home. Award. However, there are also many other reasons your dog could be fearful of your husband aside from your husband physically harming your dog. Mar 20, 2015 · Hi everyone! So far every issue I have faced you guys have offered advice that really helped! So, I now have more questions. Sometimes I'll purposely ignore her and then she'll go over to him for attention. Incorporate Hand Signals. Say goodbye to frustration and hello to your obedient companion. Just use your hand to lure the dog, then produce the treat from your other hand. He takes things off the counters, goes into the garbage, he jumps on her, he bites her. 8. Train your dog on the seven basic commands: sit. The moment the dogs reaches an energy level you don't like, the reward (your attention) must go away. When reading your post, the below article popped into my head. Scavenger hunt - hide treats in cardboard boxes and scrap paper. I've taught her to not bite, and she didn't for almost 5 months, and now she bites when playing again. “A long line is going to be your most important tool,” he says. This is why your response to, say, biting inhibits your puppy's behavior, causing him to back off. But if your spouse is the one who does all of those things – or even just some of them – then your dog may see your spouse as the leader. Lack of exercise. Those are the only two scenarios the dog has ever seen. Dec 3, 2023 · Here are 25 practical tips for training your dog on your own, which might come in handy. You can use food in your hand three times to jumpstart the behavior — clicking and treating for each of the three correct responses. May 4, 2009 · Well, the simple explanation is: One person is more consistent with teaching and rewarding what they want and/or punishing out what they don’t want. Getting a dog means welcoming that dog in to your family — and that means that training your dog has to be a family affair too. Fear-based, possessive and redirected aggressions are discussed in other handouts in this series. They are like half dogs who are lost because their owner is their other half. 5. Get down to your puppy's level, don't hover him. My dog only listens when I’m not around. For recall, make sure your wife has super awesome treats (cheese, real meat, etc). When I'm home the dog is very well behaved. Her passion lies in helping dogs overcome hurdles, both small & large. /r/dogs is a place for dog owners of all levels of knowledge, skill, and experience to discuss all topics… Jan 27, 2021 · Immediately after your dog bites you, get up and leave the room for about 10 – 20 seconds. May 20, 2021 · 4. 5M subscribers in the dogs community. I have taken on the majority of the training with him (~98%). Lifting his front leg. Your Dog is Resource Guarding. They can’t understand why Aug 26, 2009 · Originally Posted By: B Rogers Pup has no respect for my wife! dont worry mine doesnt either. Mar 19, 2024 · Common Reasons Dogs Don’t Listen To You. • 9 yr. Think about it: every time you head to the kitchen, there might be a little treat in it for them. Sep 25, 2020 · Exercise Your Dog. If your husband is the one that feeds and exercises your dog, it would be very likely that your dog listens to him because your dog wants food or exercise. Dear Ethel, Ever since I met my boyfriend, my 5-year-old Pekingese seems to listen to him more than me. 09. You can physically stop them from reinforcing that Acknowledging that there is a problem is the first step. Your Dog is Sick. It's important to remove the treat from your hand within 3-5 tries using the lure. There is a toy on Amazon that looks like 3 bottles which dogs need to flip over to dispense treats. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver The only question I have is whether or not it will be detrimental to training if I step in when dog isn't listening to my wife. $18. You being right means she might have to give you an equal voice in the marriage and that’s not on. Building a relationship takes time. They feel as if the owner is their anchor, their security blanket, and the only thing that I have 5 month old pitty x lab puppy that my wife and I got together. Over the past 4 years, he almost exclusively follows me around, is usually beside me, only wants to play with me. Frozen puzzles like Kong, toppl, lickimat. The other night, we were back from our evening walk. Make your dog hunt around for them. When I call my dog or ask him to get off the bed, he Sort by: littaltree. If you give a command, like "come" for instance, and the dog is able to ignore the command, don't give it. Aug 29, 2022 · This is because the dog sees that just one person if correcting them, enforcing the commands, doing all the pack leadership things that are built into the training, etc. Jun 16, 2015 · Follow this plan and you will teach your dog to work for the click, not for the food. Your first responsibility is to go out and buy high-quality tennis balls. (reread above) Make eye contact. I usually try to teach something new each time he goes away. So, the dog simply learns, “I have to listen to and respect this person; however, not so much this other person. But when my roommate or friend take her out while I'm at class (which I'm only at for 2-3 hours a day) she follows them by their sides and obey their every command. Jul 28, 2023 · If your dog is only listening to you, there may be some reasons why they are refraining from listening to others. Having accidents and urinating in strange places. However, 90% of the time she wouldn't do any of them unless there's a treat, not any treat even, just a few. On repetition #4 (and subsequent reps), pretend you have food in what is really your empty hand. Many working, herding, hunting, and retrieving breeds have a genetic predisposition to bite and chew. Puppies have a short attention span and are constantly seeking stimulating activities. Fear. Drooping head or body. One of the main reasons your dog might be your constant companion is because you’ve unintentionally trained them to be. ago. Seeking more attention. It may have something to do with how your girlfriend approaches the command itself. We have multiple training program options available. This may stress your dog out. Our golden retriever puppy has been home for a couple days and already seemingly picked a favorite human. Start with these steps: Ask your partner if it’s a good time to talk. If the dog isn't listening, instead of assuming disobedience, consider that it may not understand what you are trying to communicate. Since you are the primary resource, try correcting him when he barks at your husband, since it sounds like he listens better to you anyway. Obesity: Using treats frequently in training sessions can contribute to weight gain and obesity, which can negatively impact a dog's health and well-being. Hearing loss, ear infections, and other health issues can all make it difficult for a dog to hear and respond to commands. She cues “sit!” -> dog sits, and gets a reward. Scenario 2: No treats visible. Lounge on the couch, and they get snuggles. That's between her and your husband, the way he behaves with her determinate the way she considers him - you can't force her to respect him. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Puppies are often intimidated by size and deep sounds. But yes it's common - my pup is much more attached to me than to my husband. At My Dog Listens LLC, we provide expert, personalized dog training solutions to Northern Virginia and surrounding areas. Hello, everyone I’m here wondering why my dog does this he’s a border collie/German shepherd mix. I do command training with treats and meals (both around the house and on walks), and am in control of the lead when going on walks 9/10 times. Dogs are optimists. If your dog is aggressive towards your husband, it can be because they’re not well socialized with males. Posted by u/tarzancrazedcat - 1 vote and 5 comments We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. com When you say that your dog only listens when you have treats, it’s safe to say that your pup is putting his attention on you because he knows that: You have treats. All the others have gravitated to me for whatever reason. The verbal cue must be enforced and reinforced. She was surprised/startled by it and ended up giving him the treat. One verbal cue is associated with one behavior. 588K subscribers in the Dogtraining community. We offer realistic basic obedience, advanced obedience, and behavioral modification programs at an affordable price. It's only when the dog is hyped up about something like the cats that she stops listening to my wife. She was going to give him a treat, using it to try and train him. "ok, go get your crack head". Sep 12, 2013 · Every single day at our dog training facility in Northern Virginia we hear people say, “My dog listens to my husband (or wife), but he doesn’t listen to me. It can also lead to aggression because they’re unfamiliar with the surroundings or other people. I feel most comfortable being 10 to 20 feet away for long conversations. Try some positive, relationship-building games like teaching Leave It. It’s best to go with colored tennis balls for dogs as these work better in training situations. e. Specialties: My Dog Listens is a veteran owned and operated dog training company. The housework goes undone, and the place is a mess. •. So something he does (or does not do) giver her the impression that she is better than him. Understanding Dog Behavior: The Science Behind Canine Obedience. Our dog is an 8 year old lab mix, and was my husbands dog prior to us getting together. ” So, what we immediately begin doing is asking them questions to see “why” the dynamic of your relationship is the way it is. Here you'll find content that will help you train your dogs. Your dog may want to sleep with you rather than your husband because you share similar personalities. External influences, such as family and friends, can impact your husband’s listening behavior. Not only will your dog hear the command, but they’ll see it too. Then compare it with how you tell the dog to do the same thing. Personality match. If you're the disciplinarian, your dogs may see you as an obstacle to their favorite past time of destroying your shoes. tyson v. Feb 25, 2019 · Rather than approaching rescuing or purchasing a rescue dog from the perspective of “saving” or “adopting” perhaps it might be better to embrace the process more like dating with the intent to marry? (Read more about that by visiting the event page link included. Once you know why this behavior is occurring, you can then begin to figure out a solution to prevent this behavior from continuing. When it's just him and I he lays around the house or plays with his toys. It only trains the dog not to listen to the commands. Dogs are generally going to develop a stronger bond with the person or people who feed them, getting your girlfriend involved in such an important part of your dog's day will help them develop a stronger bond. Mouthing from an 8 month old dog is NOT acceptable as they can do real damage to other dogs/cats/kids/guests or even you at this age and should have been extinguished or controlled by 5-6 months. When you interact with a dog (touching, talking, eye contact) you are reinforcing their behavior. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver “My dog only listens for you!” Because we’re together for a tiny portion of this dog’s waking life. If there is a hot dog under the couch, your dog might scratch and dig for hours trying to get it. Sometimes, dogs just hear words and they don’t process them even if they know basic commands. She may need to listen to you, and attempt to mimic you when she tells the dog to do something. Some possible reasons for not listening to them include: Past abuse. Also, if the dog doesn't listen to your wife, make sure to tell her not to give commands if she can't enforce them. The solution is an odd one. The reason your dog follows you around rather than your husband could be that your dog is afraid of your husband. It’s not pleasant, but it’s still quite possible. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver 4. Here are five guidelines for you to try: 1. That isn’t all bad, though! It’s just a matter of your dog paying Dogs can focus endlessly on rewards, but not punishments. The most common causes include conflict aggression, fear-based or defensive aggression, possessive aggression, food guarding aggression and redirected aggression. And he’s the most laziest couch potato dog. Fear is quite a common reason your dog doesn’t follow your husband around. He is honestly a very good dog. If you are both relaxed and happy-go-lucky then you might be naturally closer, with your dog favoring you over a partner who may be more of an anxious worrier. May 14, 2024 · 3. May 12, 2014 · Also, much popular music sounds sad and contains lyrics about heartbreak and loss. Some people are caught off guard the first time they realize their dog listens in obedience class only. Then work in reverse order until the dog listens to her. Sep 21, 2010 · Golden Retrievers Main Discussion /r/dogs is a place for dog owners of all levels of knowledge, skill, and experience to discuss various topics related to responsible dog ownership. It’s much easier to be consistent for a short period of time, like a training session or watching a dog for a couple days, than it is to be nearly as consistent all the other times. Health Problems. Dec 20, 2023 · As a dog owner, I understand that it can be frustrating when your dog only listens to you. This subreddit is a great starting point for a lot of information, but you should always verify and expand upon what you've read from reputable sources before putting it to use in your daily life. Both the males and females. Here you'll find content that will help you train… Jun 21, 2024 · Your dog’s aggression towards you may stem from fear, past negative experiences, perceived challenges to dominance, or misinterpretation of your behaviors, whereas your wife might represent a non-threatening or more comforting presence to the dog. Use a higher voice (yes, baby talk) and reward engagement by being gentle and fun and Our Expertise is Your Peace of Mind. If a dog is not listening to their owner, or ignoring them, it could be due to an underlying health problem. But for engagement, you want to act more like your wife. See full list on pethelpful. Dog prefers me, but only listens to my husband! Question. Make the reward a surprise. Understanding the dynamics behind why your husband listens to everyone but you is crucial. It will help you to stay focused. You Just Haven’t Trained Enough. Laundry is left in the dryer; dishes stack up in the sink, the garbage can is overflowing. Consequently, she bosses me around/doesn’t take my commands seriously, but she listens to my girlfriend (although, if I am Golden Retriever puppy only listens to one person. Dogs engage in play fighting for fun and to bond with their owners. If you Aug 14, 2023 · While it’s not a critical point in selecting a dog, it can explain a lot during their puppyhood. Feb 2, 2022 · 2. Rephrase what she is saying or restate what she said. There is, of course, the obvious reason for this; violence. jumps in your lap, seeks out petting/attention, ignore him. I have a very soft dog so my discipline mostly consists of using a stern tone or crating the dog. If he is barking at your husband, your husband yelling at him will not help or eliminate his behavior. This is because dogs have a lot of buildup energy in their system. When he comes home I teach my husband what I've done and let him practice with the dog. Dogs are social creatures that thrive on structure and Nov 5, 2021 · Your dog will need time to warm up to the idea there’s someone new in your life that’s equally important to you as he is. Looking away (especially paired with tongue-flicking) The reasons mentioned above may not be the only reasons that your dog likes biting you and not your husband, but they are the most likely culprits. All other aspects of the training have gone perfectly, including when my wife has training sessions with the dog. This behavior is part of their DNA. Sometimes your dog just doesn’t know what you want because you haven’t practiced enough. When my wife is home alone with him it's chaos. Probably never has. The verbal cue PRECEDES the physical prompt. Nov 6, 2013 · When Dogs Don’t Listen At Home. Jun 27, 2023 · This can be both a blessing and a curse, but it also begs the question: why does your dog only listen to you? Understanding the science behind canine behavior and the art of training can shed some light on this phenomenon. For example, if you want your dog to lie down, say the command and move your hand toward the floor. Jun 20, 2024 · Tip 3: The Quiet Environment Matters It is also important to do the exercises with your dog in a quiet place. Lack of involvement of your wife. 3. When I’m at work my family watches my dog. It’s because the base attitude in her, and a lot of other women’s mind is that to maintain psychological control of a partner she HAS to be right and you have to be wrong. Our professional trainers use proven methods to ensure your dog not only learns but enjoys the training process. This specifically. Find out the topic you are talking about before the discussion starts. May 15, 2021 · Tell your partner to avoid direct eye contact with your dog. Any change in behavior can be a sign that something isn’t right with your dog, and not cuddling with you anymore is no exception. Worse yet, my favorite dog (one of our five little chiweenies named Moose), knows I can’t bare to give her even the most mild discipline. But you can't get her to listen to both of you. 2. Luckily, there will usually be other signs of illness, so watch your dog carefully for any other changes in behavior. . Mar 9, 2023 · Here we gonna discuss 8 reasons why your dog growl or bark or acts aggressively towards your wife. Drinking more, urinating oddly, diarrhea, lethargy, and inappetence are all Jul 28, 2010 · Published on July 27, 2010 08:30PM EDT. He fears your husband. However, with advanced training and addressing behavioral issues, you can improve your dog’s obedience and establish a stronger bond with your furry friend. Many dog owners find that their dog listens well indoors, but forgets all of their dog training when leaving the house for a walk or a trip. zs hh ao ic om uv vl es zg jd