I have no friends i feel so alone reddit

We were extremely close. I really don't think I can do this much longer. And after trying so hard and finding no friends, I feel like I'm a horrible person and noone likes me :( I feel so alone and every time I read books, watch movies, see peoples' lives on instagram I ask myself why everyone has tons of friends and I only have one that's about to be thousands of km away. i still feel so fucking alone. fucking. saddkj. I’m in a completely different situation Everyone i cared for suddenly left me at the same time. Of course no coworkers - they can be the worst enemy, I only trust one older lady at the office. i came the semester everyone my age was graduating (class of 2022). I’m not sure how to exactly describe it, but I’ve been doing a lot better in my walk with Christ as if recently, but I feel as if I’ve lost many of my “friends” in doing so. For a new relationship, friendships, working out buddies, drinking buddies, or even online friends. I have no real friends in college. You reach out and people say they’re here for you, or feel free to DM if you need, but the second you need somebody, nobody is there. ive done And I'm sick of going everywhere alone, I wish I had someone I can speak to. I lost my mom a little over a year ago. I’ve dealt with depression for over 10 years but just recently I got kicked out of the center I used to go to, and now I’m pretty much in my room on my bed alone all day. 778 votes, 265 comments. I have tried to make friends, but it is almost impossible as an adult. Burnt2Smithereens. When you go out you talk to them. I get there's clear obstacles like your busy job and such pero you need to somehow put yourself out there. I don’t understand sarcasm, facial cues, jokes, you name it. 18 F. It wasn't until I started questioning my purpose in life that the paradox resolved itself. I feel so lonely. But don't be weak and let them manipulate you and your actions. 39m been married for 15 years been just like you describe for around 6 years now. even after all these years even now that i have friends i still feel like im alone in this world. just sit and play Skyrim 1am and all alone man, I’m right there with ya. Ask for their contact information. My girlfriend left me for another man. And yet it's not surprising at all because overloading yourself with THC and sugar isn't what convinces other people to enter your life. I have no one to vent to. I don't know how to quite describe it. I’m alone on a Friday night, too. No one messages me, a childhood friend has deleted me, and whoever I write to it feels like they don’t want to talk to me. Covid has made meeting people a lot more difficult, so please don't think you're alone in how you're feeling! I was in quarantine so completely missed all of the society try-outs that I had lined up, plus I'm not really friends with my flatmates - they're all nice people, etc. I live in a small patriarchal town where everyone already hates me for voting democrat. And I was there with no friends, never having had a partner. r/socialskills. 12. : r/lonely. Not exactly so easy to just up and separate. Then, her will appeared and I lost my uncles, cousins and aunt too because there were huge disagreements. Zoloft is an antidepressant so it basically lets serotonin float around in your brain for a longer time before being reabsorbed, but it doesn't actually create more serotonin. When at the mall I have a great time, smiling, laughing etc. I just feel depressed all the time spending time alone because I really want to talk with people and have fun with them but I don't know how and people find me boring or weird. If so, consider deleting your post to reduce spam on the subreddit. There’s no one I can really talk to about everything without them judging me for being me. 3. But still, no I share no personal stories. When you're so excited about playing a game but then you realize you have no1 to play it with. . One thing that hurts as well is that I was in a relationship with a guy and he You have to try, man. You know, I've been alone. my mom and i got kicked out of our house and i just turned 18 i barely have any money and i dont know what im doing i dont know what im supposed to do ive been at UB for a year and six months, close to two. I feel like no matter how hard i try no matter what i say or do, im just never No friends. I've tried making more friends but it never I feel so alone; I don’t have any close friends or a significant other. I've been no friends. Today for example felt like one of the worst and one of the longest days I’ve ever had in my life. The only people I really hangout with are my family. I would help them if they asked me for it. They gave me my trust issues, security issues, abandonment issues. So if you’re a female (preferably from the UK) going through a breakup or just looking for someone to talk to, I’d love to talk (24F) I don’t care how old you are, I just need some I guess this is just a rant. I'm tired of going through this alone. What I've done to help this feeling is listen to podcasts, lore videos, documentaries, audiobooks, etc. If a task seems like it's too big, think of it as a series of tasks that you can take on one at a time, and start with something really, really easy. I have nothing and I have no one I have one group of friends and everyone in that group has multiple other friend groups My former best friend has ruined our friendship he tries to apologise for what he did to me but the damages been done and I can't forgive I'm this close to blocking him on everything but that'll get me in alot of shit Immediately after having a good time with friends I’m sad. You might well feel desperate to make a few friends, but there’s a difference between feeling desperate and being desperate. I have severe depression and social anxiety. The idea of college being a major social experience is exaggerated in movies and TV. 26 year old guy, good looking, great job, musician, etc. i dont rlly see the point in continuing. Anyhow it has been 10 months, I did nothing right at first, I just went to go. It seems like no one really cares about me. Yes I have friends I game with online. I look forward to going (some days are tough though, that’s natural) but feel so much better about myself, I eat really well and that alone really goes a long ways to feeling that’s what i do every saturday, actually everyday as a matter of fact. I swear I try so hard to be kind and funny when I can but it feels like it doesn’t get me anywhere and I feel more alone and dejected over time. Pick the tiniest thing you can finish. I just want to set this straight before I start. But the feeling of being physically alone with no one to look at face to face, go out with often, etc. I just want someone I can talk to. Just keep looking, don't give up. My family and friends are kind to me, but nobody understands and I have a hard time putting it into words. May Allah Azza Wa Jal bless you brother :) 4. I haven't even seen a woman make in real life. Welcome to r/ADHDWomen! We’re happy to have you here. You just aren't speaking. Triggered by perceived or… It’s better to have no friends and feel lonely than it is to have friends who really don’t give a shit about you and use you. It's making me feel so useless. That last sentence hits hard. I have a handful of people I consider friends. Go out of your way to talk to people: even if making a friend by just talking to someone out and about is very hard, having little conversations with different people goes a long way to help with loneliness. Distress in social situations, causing impaired functioning in daily life. Everyone I talk to is fake and really enjoys small talk. Reply reply. . Feb 13, 2023 · This can be something as simple as commenting on a new outfit or complimenting someone's new hairstyle. We get a lot of posts on medication, diagnosis (and “is this an ADHD thing”), and interactions with hormones. All too relatable No friends whatsoever and spend all free time in schoolwork or in bed. There’s billions of people out there in the world, yet I feel so alone. The pandemic ruined everything for me and especially my social life. I (15m) recently realised that I have no friends. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Now as an adult it’s a bit I don't have anyone and I feel lonely, but I love being alone and I'm never bored. I am all alone in this world. I’ve always struggled to make friends, and I’ve never really felt like I fitted in anywhere, but I’ve never felt as alone as I do right now. But you shouldn't take an anti depressant and 5-htp together because they combined could cause serotonin syndrome. Although I have a family that cares about me I don't have friends nor boys nor girls that care about me. and the ones who do reply eventually stop replying or just ghost you without reason. Having no friends in uni/college is a different type of loneliness. I'm also struggling finding friends at my college and all my hs friends left so I'm by myself most days. true I have friends but there all long distance, I had a irl bestfriend but he was a very toxic individual and I had to stop being friends, I also have social anxiety. my best friend of 5 years literally doesn’t talk to me anymore. There is no one I can call to hang out or even talk to. Please try to avoid judging yourself too harshly. I have no friends, no old school-mates. This is a motivation trick that's been used in behavior modification programs since the 1930s. We haven’t had a proper time together as lads in a while and it feels like we wont cause one of them is always with his gf and the other one just goes to play video games whenever the other cancels or doesn’t want to hangout. I've been so lonely. If your school has a newspaper it could be a wonderful place to make friends, share experiences, and yes, even spend quiet time alone. Get some quality time in with these friends, quality, not quantity. In the night when I am driving all alone, I just feel the emptiness inside me. Talk to people wherever you have to go ie. Passersby are not all judging you for being alone. I’m friendly with my coworkers but we don’t talk or hangout outside of work. I just want good conversation and company. correction: i am alone. We are not all gonna have the same college experience, that is just life, and it's okay. Does anyone else just simply not get lonely? No friends, no relationships, and I am okay with that, and honestly hope I never have either of these ever. But this is still a problem, because I ultimately I don’t have anybody to reach out to. Even if its just to make a friend. But then on the car ride home and the rest of the night I just feel sad. Award. I’m approaching my junior year in college and I’m realizing I have no real friends. I say "loneliness" which is very different than feeling "alone". So try and look at it from that perspective. But I feel like no one truly understands me. I have no friends/ lonely all the time. So I just got broken up with. The ones I’m closest with don’t really care about me, don’t give me support, and really just take advantage of me at the end of the day. I feel insignificant, like no one really likes or needs me in their life. it continued to get worse, my parents had the same mentality. Everyone I have grown up with has moved on. disposable505. I talk to a lot of these people on a daily basis. it just sucks ya know :/ I have a bf. i mentioned it to my pediatrician when i was like 10, and he said its normal for some kids to feel anxiety and ocd and never did anything about it. They like to be your friends because you're frendly to them. im not only graduating late, but ive felt so alone. He was my best and only friend. Peer support for anyone struggling with suicidal thoughts. I have no family left and I'm only 30. Or when there's a new movie or tv show that comes out after years of watching weeks worth of movies and tv shows, you kinda want to be able to watch it along with someone and talk about it. Nothing is wrong with that,it's just there's probably a gap in between friendships thats just filled with loneliness or driftness from being alone. I see my friends every other weekend. 2. Wait till you have a small group of friends, even if they aren't that close to you. I read a lot, watch shows and movies, journal, daydream (I have this imaginary world I've been working on for 10. lonely. But whenever I'm alone, my mind absolutely races and I become even more depressed than usual. But i feel completley alone. I know my situation is never going to change. But, one semester in, I feel the same if not worse. I take my son out to the park and see moms with other moms and I’m always the only one on my own. Even though many of them are very rude and misogynistic, I still find myself around them. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. i never wanted to tell my friends because i felt like i was crazy I struggle to know when people are flirting with me, everyone i am ever romantically interested in just wants to be friends, and i dont mind that. Sometimes, you have to be alone, and that’s just how it is. They are your friends. 5-htp creates serotonin. I at least have people to hang out with once a week but i have no meaningful connection with any of them. i have friends but i just feel so alone. I know having friends to do things with wouldn’t make the depression go away, but I just feel so alone like there’s no point of even living anymore if I don’t have 442K subscribers in the SuicideWatch community. I feel like I'm falling deeper into depression because of this. I used to have a good few friends in real life but eventually it was less like they were my friends and more like I was just there for them to make jokes about me and im not talking about a joke or two its just constant . Sometimes it may feel too soon, but don't wait forever to ask, or it may never happen. Dumb question, I know. I feel so, so isolated and like I’m losing it. Like at all, i feel so alone : r/dating. Some people have an easier time finding their people, but for some it's harder and that's because you're one of a kind, but that's okay. And recently, I just started to use antidepressants to alleviate the pain. No one. Finally, don't worry about "crushes" or relationships JUST yet. This isn’t a cry for help just wondering if I’m the only one with no friends. just don't really click with them. She was a single mom to me and I was her only child. Some family members are around, but not parents. Being able to geek out in general is a big thing for me, also, having a lot of friends, but only a few truly close ones is totally normal. everyday im home with my bunny reading playing games or watching tv. work, the store. Loneliness usually make you feel like you are not important to your friends because it seems like they don't really love you the way they say they do. I'm mostly just worried I'll end up alone. everyone is horrible to me but surely if so many people feel this way about me then i’m the problem. I have basically zero "best friends" and only people I talk to occasionally. I was in my late 20’s when I gave up the bad friends and unrighteous things, and finally allowed myself to walk alone and do right by myself. I also feel like I don’t have friends who care, but I’ve been in a lot of therapy and I’m starting to realize that, while difficult, I do have some kind of control over this feeling. I have absolutely no friends and I'm tired of being alone. MembersOnline. no one puts any effort into talking to me, i just wish i had friends and i could go hang out with them like everyone else but i’m constantly alone and isolated with my own thoughts the I feel so disheartened and alone (83% Relevancy Chance) We hope these links will be helpful. I don't have anyone in my life to talk to, spend time with, have a relationship with. this world isnt worth it. Now come on in- take off your shoes, sit back, relax, and visit with us for a while. No one reaches out to me to see if they wanna hang out and when I do try to hang out with people I know it seems like we barely even have anything to connect with. As you get older, making friends is next to impossible. These have been the two most recent things but overall I feel I have no friends. I have no friends who I can count on. transferred after sitting at home during the pandemic, so i didn’t go to school for a year. Just leaves me here twiddling my thumbs. As a reminder, here are our community rules . I dont have anyone to share it with, I did, but I dont have anymore Yep. I'm probably going to kill myself at 25, because I don't want the burden of being alone forever. I'm constantly surrounded by people, with their friends, having fun, hanging out and laughing together. I'm fat and unattractive, I have horrible hygiene and look like shit. I seem to be like a magnet repelling friendships. Friendships where your are just a tool in someone’s life is no friendship at all. No family. i don’t know what’s wrong with me, i don’t know why no one likes me. If the suggested links are irrelvant to your question, feel free to ignore this comment and continue as you were. I feel like something is wrong with me, like people just don’t want to be around me. This can be done after a class, at the end of an online chat session, etc. I have friends. You'd be surprised how lonely other people are too. I can go somewhere with a group of friends, like the mall for example. Before the loneliness eats you alive. I am in my early 30's and I have not a single friend. It feels like all I do is take up space. Cleaning - start by cleaning for 3 or 4 min and take a 5 min break. i… So something is clearly wrong with me. I have 2 friends I would consider best friends. I just don't know how I can get myself to talk. 5 years), sometimes I'm on my phone the whole day (Reddit, Twitter, YouTube, etc. I genuinely don't have anyone. It’s like I just have automatic no friends syndrome. I feel so alone and I am so hurt. I have no friends, I don’t know how to talk to people, and my only support outside of my family has been my ex who’s been kind enough to let me sit at her table with her boyfriend I have no friends. So it might be you are not lonely socially, but are lonely from a different kind. I have no friends after a breakup. Also, being older, there just isn’t that much time to have a career and family life, let alone spend time with friends. I don’t know what happened to me. I am just so lonely and feel like the world is crashing down on me. Someone I can trust. Most had a partner too. 99 votes, 25 comments. You will get I know that feeling. I a classic neurodivergent that masked my whole life and still do a lot to get through the day. None of my friendships last long or go deep. And if you don't feel that way, then no amount of friends or family will make up for it. •. And to answer your question, yes it's perfectly fine. Have kids, mortgage, car payments, phone service accounts all intertwined. It helps feel like someone else is along for the ride with you :) Alone time is necessary for one's mental health, especially if you have kids. My few friendships have never lasted. I feel alone I don’t have that core group of guy friends anymore. I dont have friends anymore. Sometimes I feel like its my fault no one knows me. Sometimes im okay with being alone, and sometimes it is so heartachingly painful. I promise you it will not last forever. I'm usually lonely, but the past couple of days the loneliness is tearing me apart. I don’t know why but one minute I’m super happy and having fun but the next There is social, emotion, romantic, family, and others. When I say I don't have a single friend I really mean it. I get told I’m so nice and some of them were so complimentary of me so I don’t understand why I have no friends. You aren't alone in the world you just haven't found where you need to be yet. I end up making plans with people 24/7 so that I don't have to be alone with my thoughts. they don't text me or call me & i live 3 hours away so i can't just hang out like we did in high school. I love my friends with all my heart and i wouldnt change it for the world, but it just makes me feel so fucking lonely. It’s like sitting around just waiting to die, for me anyway. Not a single one. I don't drink or smoke weed or do drugs, I have no relatability to the people around me, I feel so alone. Like at all, i feel so alone. I have no friends and i’m blaming myself. So to start with, I have always had a very hard time making friends. I feel so alone I’m so depressed and feel like I’m starting my life from ground zero after leaving relationship of 10 years because he continued to destroy me. But somethings missing. I just keep inside my house and sometimes go out alone to have a few beers. Figure out who you connect with best and make it a point to chat with them whenever possible. I am 27 (F) and i have no friends whatsoever, i lost everyone thanks to my narcissistic ex that made me break ties with everyone i knew except my family, looking back i blame myself too for letting things get this far, but he dumped me in the View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. im 21 and i feel like i haven't done anything fun. I've done nothing with a woman, no sex, no kissing, no holding hands, never even been on a date or asked a girl out. I’ve never had a relationship or anything, struggled w people all my life, and though I’m only 16 and I know this sounds so stupid, I do just feel alone You're not alone at all, I often feel this way too. I don’t have a single friend. I realized that if you feel fulfilled and have a purpose in life, you won't feel alone even if you're completely alone. ). I don’t have any friends. I want to live a normal life, share things with people. I have made a few friends but none of them speak to me unless it is to get drunk. I just wanted to let you know that you’re not alone and it’s not over. I used to have friends in school but as soon as that I dropped out I never heard from any of them again, not a single one. I feel so alone and so hopeless. I am so. My only friends really live over a 100 miles away and i can feel our friendship slowly dwindling. Right now i have no one to share my feelings. The only person I was starting to consider a friend We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. It’s never because of a falling out. I have friends, family and people Who love me but I feel so alone all the time, why is everything so lonely, everything I do, by myself or with people, I just feel alone. 1. i have no friends. They're literally my age it's supposed to be the easiest thing and yet It feels so much slower, do you ever feel like time isn’t going by? Like you’re stuck where it feels twice as long. And I don’t have a girlfriend or any dating prospects. I am a nice guy and have lots of interests, but I always find it so difficult to make/ keep friends. Only family. I study in a girls boarding school so I can never go outside and meet other people and my family won't understand me. If you are feeling Suicidal, please also make a post for our friends at r/SuicideWatch. i came to UB at 21, im 23 right now. i have a lot of friends but somehow i still feel alone i feel like i can’t really express myself around them or else they would judge me even my best friend whom i love deeply just doesn’t understand me the only person that did left me lol i just wish someone would listen. Also, I find that I have a better time alone then with most people. Then i got depressed and my friends left me saying i am too gloomy and i repeat the same things so it's irritating to be around me. I've have no relationship experience am at the age that I am legging behind everyone else. Don’t be desperate. I have no friends. No boyfriend, no real friends, just a couple acquaintances and a family I hardly speak to. My brother is moving away soon, and I live alone and work from home. I go to work, come home, feel lonely, go to bed, then repeat. A big reason I don't try dating (although I want to) is the fact I can't get a job and have a slight fear of driving. On the weekends I usually stay at home and I love it. I'm so lonely, everyone can tell. Even my parents aren’t reliable. 400K subscribers in the socialanxiety community. You are you and no one else. I'm diagnosed with depression, take a lot of pills daily and yet I can still feel that I wouldn't consider us close friends but definitely a bit more than just coworkers. They would say they couldn't have survive without that support. I have about 6 people online who I speak to (all live in a different country). I am married and that probably helps. I feel so alone I have no friends . Advice, Pls. You might not realize that they are listening. I just feel so alone. I want to have friends but have nothing. The worst feeling is being surrounded by people yet feeling utterly alone. The buddies that you don't name as friends are calling you friend. I married the only person that I’ve meet in a long time that doesn’t take advantage of me as a way of life. So now I’m all alone, and have no one to turn to. thomas_anderson_1211. I literally have no friends. I know they would help if I asked them for it. Sep 28, 2023 · So make friends with this person, but don’t make them the center of your world. But It's just extra both at school and Dude, I can totally relate to this not crying thing. I can’t go through life spending the rest of my days feeling like this. I only ever speak to my son (who isn’t even talking yet) or my partner and when he’s verbally abusive I feel so helpless and alone it’s physically painful. That's kinda surprising that it makes you lonely because there's nothing I'd rather do than join someone in doing those things, especially if we got to cuddle while high. I feel so dead that I cant even cry, not even to someone's funeral who i liked. I don't know what's going on. “everyone has anxiety it’s normal”. ADMIN MOD. I was in a support group meeting for estrangement from abusive family once, and every person there had at least friends to support them. Calm-Cat1851. i suffered A LOT and felt so alone. I want someone to spend time with all the time comment I have trust issues so I don't keep people close. I make an active choice to focus heavily on my career and husband—pretty much that leaves zero time for anything else. I was also depressed and even suicidal for a while. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. You can get mad alone so get some friends. No one ever says hi. That's actually quite common. I feel jealous seeing others spend time with friends or have If you still feel lonely you can make dua to Allah Azza Wa Jal for him to bless you with righteous friends and try going to religious gatherings to connect with pious people as that will give good results and i can tell from experience. I feel like I'm wasting my time being a teenager, no one wants to talk to me or even touch me, I had a small group of friends but they all turned against me and now no one acknowledges my existence and no one even wants to touch my hand, when I try to extend for a handshake they jump back. No friends. Reply. I try to keep the conversation and keep them as friends but they just lose interest and stop talking to me. My mom died and my dad is mentally abusive. I go out every single week, have fun in my own way, and enjoy my life so much when it's just me. I feel like no one truly knows who I am. Being desperate means trying too hard to be a people pleaser. im so tired of feeling like a loser :/ i am 23, i have had ocd my whole life. I spend the day crying in bed, thinking time would fly by in this state of not getting up the whole day. 13/14 days I’m trying to do stuff but people are busy or lazy. Even after 3 years, I still get that feeling sometimes. Now, I have never been in this good of shape in my life, like better than high school!. I’m not sugar coating when I say you are everything I wish I was at your age. I cannot speak for everyone as we all feel different things in different situation but if it could be of any help to you, I'd like This exact same situarion happened to me too. If you go out alone, my advice is to go early into the night and find someone alone or with a small group and talk up a conversation. Well I sit alone in my room everyday so I know what you feel. When I feel sad, I have no one to hug or talk to. Peer support for anyone struggling with a depressive disorder. I’m sorry you’re going through such a tough time. It's a constant reminder of what im missing out on and how useless I am at making friends. I have no IRL friends and all the friends online friends I make just completley stop talking to me. I feel so alone. Check the r/introvert Rules and FAQ before posting. I have always been bullied for this and often I didn’t even know it was happening. I just needed to share with someone who might understand. I recently broke up with my girlfriend of nearly two years and now that school’s started back up, I am being reminded of how alone I am. I had a bunch of friends in high school, but most of them moved away, got married, and simply Recently I feel like even with my friends I still feel alone. I have no friends, no one to help me to talk to me or anything So There is a ton of complaints. It’s not exactly contamination OCD because I’m afraid to get sick, but it’s really not health anxiety either because I’m afraid of colds and the flu and covid and viruses. sa ys kg rx et xx xs tf rj qi